Monday, March 23, 2009

Don't worry, be happy!

Sometimes a photo shoot is a lot of work -- for parents. They feel bad because their child won't sit still, won't smile, won't... whatever. I always try to tell them it is no big deal, that kids are kids etc. But as a parent myself, I know how they feel. The reason I say this now is because that is exactly how the parents felt during this shoot. (I know, because they are friends and they told me so. ;-)) HOWEVER!! - look how cute these shots are! See - nothing to worry about.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sugar and Spice

This little one is definitely all nice.  And a very welcome addition to a family with 2 boys.  She is already such a sweetheart and only 7 days old.  

One week in this world and already very stylish, I might add.

Seriously, she was the perfect little model.

Wrinkles and all...(cutest wrinkles ever)

Thanks for allowing me to capture these first moments. It was a complete pleasure.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Welcome, 2009. Wait, it is March already??

It probably surprises no one that I am a little behind in my posting.  I have been a procrastinator my entire life.  (Just ask my mom; I was not born until 24 days after my due date, but anyway...)

I have had some great shoots in 2009 though, and a few fun moments caught "on film."  Let me bring you up to speed:  

The big excitement in our house in January was that the baby turned 1!  (Fastest year of my life.)  She cracked us up by HATING her cake and sobbing until we fed her a banana.  Health nut! ;)

**this was before the crying began**

Also in January, I was thrilled to schedule a portrait session with my in-laws.  They flew down from Seattle to celebrate the big 0-1 and enjoy our gorgeous weather.  I think these photos ALMOST capture how nice a desert winter truly is.

February came and went, and during that time, I thoroughly enjoyed mini-shoots with my 2 girls.
Before naptime shoots:

After naptime shoots:

Bath-time shoots:

Valentine's Day with her new favorite toy (umbrella) shoots:

And that is the Cliff's Notes Version of 2009 -- thus far.
And my New Year's resolution? (Can you still make those in March?? Why the heck not?!) Blog more, of course...